
Reform Initiatives

The reform process of the institution was initiated as a positive response to the recommendations of the Bar Council of India in 2015. The institution has almost transformed itself in compliance of the different recommendations of the BCI. The institution has got a full-time qualified Principal and teaching staff for the first time in the history of the institution. The classrooms were modified, moot-court hall has been constructed and state of the art moot-court infrastructure has been installed in it. The institution also appointed a qualified Librarian and improved the resources and services of the library. As a part of the initiative the institution has also built a Legal Aid Clinic of its own and has made it functional. The timing of the College has been scheduled from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. as a result, academic culture of the college has improved a lot. The college campus has been brought under the CCTV surveillance. Periodical internal assessment has been regularized and properly moderated. Academic activities of the college are also being monitored for further improvement.

The management of the institution has also been reformed to suit the recommendations of the affiliating authorities. The executive authority of the college now functions under the umbrella of a society formed as per the relevant law in this regard.

The curricular activities of the students have been intensified as per the requirements of the Bar Council of India. Social outreach activities are also intensified to tap the beneficiaries of legal education.